Sunday, November 16, 2008

Simple Batch File to Generate a Full Database Schema using SQLMetal for LINQ to SQL

Applications that use LINQ-to-SQL need to instantiate a System.Data.Linq.DataContext for the database that they want to use. The utility SQLMetal is provided to generate the schema classes needed to instantiate the DataContext. I created the following batch file to easily generate a complete Visual Basic or C# schema after database updates.

I find that generating the schema utilizing SQLMetal is a great error check on the logical consistency of the database Programmabilty objects. The warning messages generated during the process often identify previously unknown errors in stored procedures, user defined functions, views, etc.

The example assumes SQL authentication using the 'sa' username and the (local) server, and a SQL2005 database.

The batch file has three parameters.
Parameter 1 is the Database name.
Parameter 2 is the Password for the 'sa' server login.
Parameter 3 is the language file extension for the output. Values are 'vb' or 'cs'.

The batch file is named DBSchema.bat and is placed in the default folder opened with the Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ to make it easy to access. You can create the batch file by copying the following code into Notepad and saving it in the folder listed above as DBSchema.bat. Use the command "Type DBSchema.bat" to review the needed parameters before using the batch file.

Example usage:
DBSchema AdventureWorks password vb

The resulting .vb file will reside in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ folder and can be copied as needed for use in your .Net projects.

REM Requires Parameter 1: Database name
REM Requires Parameter 2: Password
REM Requires Parameter 3: Language file extension

SqlMetal /server:(local) /database:%1 /user:sa /password:%2 /namespace:%1Schema /functions /sprocs /views /code:%1Schema.%3 /Provider:SQL2005

The batch file requires that the SqlMetal command be on a single line. But for readability purposes, it is repeated here in multiple lines:

SqlMetal /server:(local) /database:%1
/user:sa /password:%2 /namespace:%1Schema
/functions /sprocs /views
/code:%1Schema.%3 /Provider:SQL2005

Hope that helps,

Joe Kunk
Okemos, MI

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