Welcome to JBK.Net
The goal of this BLOG is to share my experiences as a professional application developer and as a board member for our local .Net developer user group.
I have been programming since 1978 and have watched application development evolve from very humble beginnings to the depth & breadth of what Microsoft's .Net environment has to offer today. There is intense joy and pride in delivering an elegant application to the user and knowing that it is among the best software available anywhere for that purpose. I felt that joy with my first program in 1978 and I still enjoy that feeling every time I deliver a new application. That feeling, at least in part, is what drives me to be the best programmer that I can be, and continue to strive to deliver an ever more exciting application next time.
I firmly believe that the .Net platform is the most productive application development platform available today. By taking advantage of its rich framework, I can create applications in a reasonable timeframe that I would never have even attempted before. It has expanded my horizons as a developer immensely. It is an exciting time in the application development world.
By sharing my experiences with .Net, both good and bad, I hope to help others become more productive and effective with .Net.
I will share my mistakes so that others can avoid them. I will share my questions when I am struggling, so we can learn together. I will share my successes so that others can add to their knowledge and skills. Like most developers, what I don't know about .Net far exceeds what I know. I expect to learn a lot from the feedback and comments of the readers of this blog and I truly look forward to the dialog.
Welcome to JBK.Net. I appreciate your company and companionship on the shared quest to become skilled and productive .Net developers.
Joe Kunk
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